LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | Republican party fails to deliver

To the editor: With the election looming on the horizon I just had to chime in. I have been reading all the letters to the editor extolling the virtues of their “guys,” be they Republican or Democratic candidates, so here are some facts that may help.

To the editor:

With the election looming on the horizon I just had to chime in.

I have been reading all the letters to the editor extolling the virtues of their “guys,” be they Republican or Democratic candidates, so here are some facts that may help.

Republican partisans claim that their guys are good for jobs and business and with the economy being in the tank they figure they can run on this claim and people won’t notice that they are not the big “job creators” that they claim to be. The Republicans’ greatest skill is obstructing any job programs that will help Americans, just so it will hopefully make Obama look bad. Think about that for a minute, making Obama look bad is more important to the Republicans than your pain.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor since 1961, starting with Kennedy and ending with Obama in 2012, the economic policies of the Republican Party have created 23.9 million jobs for Americans. During this same period the economic policies of the Democratic Party have created 42 million jobs for Americans.

When the Republicans bloviate about being “good for jobs and business” they are either ignorant of this fact and buy into the party line or are disingenuous because this is not what they claim.

During this same period these “make the government small enough to drown in the bath tub” Republicans increased the federal, state and local payrolls by 7.1 million positions as opposed to the Democratic Party adding 6.3 million positions. Both numbers are quite large but still shows the “party of small government” beating out the Democratic Party with public sector employment.

All these facts make me wonder when will the pain of being a Republican, of being associated with a political party that has shown itself to be an abject failure along the very political lines they claim to be so strong on, when will this pain drive more Republicans to another party that has more of their interests at heart?

Vote Republican? Not on your life, I like people too much to want to prolong their pain.

