LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | Thankful for toy drive support

To the editor: On behalf of the boys and girls on Whidbey Island who received toys this Christmas, I would like to thank everyone involved in Toys For Tots this year.

To the editor:

On behalf of the boys and girls on Whidbey Island who received toys this Christmas, I would like to thank everyone involved in Toys For Tots this year. Working with the distribution agencies from North to South Whidbey, Toys For Tots was able to deliver 4,704 toys to 1,839 children on the island during the 2012 Christmas season.

We could not have been as successful if it were not for the generosity of our island residents. When the Christmas season’s collections got off to a slow start, and our annual fundraising drive on the Clinton ferry dock fell below expectations, I reached out to our local newspapers. The article written by Kathy Reed generated a much greater response than expected.

Our collections in the form of checks and cash donations surpassed the 2011 total by $4,696. That additional cash allowed us to purchase many special request items including sports equipment, craft kits and other educational toys and games and to maintain our average of approximately 2.5 toys per child.

For me, the highlight of the year was when I was visiting a local restaurant. A young woman noticed my Toys For Tots pin and asked me if I worked with Toys For Tots on the island. She then told me that she was new to the island and that her mother had connected her with one of the distribution agencies. She was surprised and grateful for the quality of the toys her children received. She said that their family was not able to purchase such nice items and wanted to say, “Thank you.”

So to everyone, I am passing on that heartfelt “Thank you” and acknowledging that the Marine Corps League could not have been as successful with our Toys For Tots campaign without your help and assistance.

We wish you a safe and happy 2013.

Michael E. McClung

Toys For Tots – Whidbey Island