LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | Whidbey’s Ken’s Korner no place for a gun shop

I’m one of the many, many folks here on Whidbey Island that are absolutely not happy to hear about the new gun shop opening at Ken’s Korner.

To the editor:

I’m one of the many, many folks here on Whidbey Island that are absolutely not happy to hear about the new gun shop opening at Ken’s Korner.

I am so saddened to think that not only our own island children and families, but visitors to Whidbey, will now be greeted by a gun store as they head up the highway. I personally am no fan of guns whatsoever. If I had my way, they wouldn’t exist in this world, period, and I do not think South Whidbey is the place for a gun shop, period.

Do we really want a gun shop to be part of the mainstream shopping fare? Hmmm, let’s see … eggs, milk, vitamins, bagel, haircut, gun. I am really wondering what in the world the owner of Ken’s Korner was thinking to okay a gun shop right across from Island Drug, near the college. Thank goodness the Whidbey Island Dance Theater moved out of the building so that all those sweet kids don’t have to pass in front of the gun store on their way to dance class!

All the discussion in the newspaper article about motion sensors and ultra-high security, intended to reassure the public, only affirms for me that this is not something we need in our community. If this level of “security” is needed to protect us from those who would seek to purchase guns for criminal activity, why in the world would we invite this in the first place? Clearly, if the gun store was a benign presence that just fits right in with all the other businesses, we wouldn’t need to be hearing about “Tom Cruise-like descents from the ceiling to grab a gun….” Who even does this in real life? Apparently somebody might, because this store is emphasizing all the protective measures they’re taking.

I understand that the shop own is trying to make a living doing something that he apparently feels passionate about. Yet I stand by my conviction that this community is not the place for trading in arms. I hope other people will make their objections known, and that we can re-claim our lost innocence for the children, and for the majority of us who came here to enjoy the peace, quiet, and wonder of nature.

Sue Averett
