Majority can pass public option | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor:

Americans support the cost-cutting, competition-driving, healthcare public option

59 percent to 29 percent because it saves people money and cuts inefficiencies in healthcare, according to the latest New York Times poll on the issue done in December. Insurance companies lobby against it because it cuts profits.

A public option can be passed with an “up or down/simple majority/reconciliation” vote. This procedure has been used dozens of times, mostly by the Republicants, allowing George W. Bush to get away with murder. The Republicants have stonewalled a public option from the beginning and will continue to do so. There is little chance of a “bipartisan” public option. It’s time to stop trying to “make nice” with that crowd.

In case you didn’t know, Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado has written a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid asking him to proceed with an “up or down/simple majority/reconciliation” vote as an alternative to a “supermajority” vote on this. To date,

24 other senators and 120 congressman have signed the letter.

Please call as many senators as you can on the page of this link:

Skype calls to the Congressional switchboard 202-224-3121 are cheap and easy. Ask them to sign Sen. Bennet’s letter calling for a reconciliation vote in favor of the public option. The results either way will be showing up on your “bottom line” soon.

John Hurd
