Music and business can coexist | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor:

As the mayor and city council develop their plans for the continuation of outdoor amplified music in Langley, yet without a decibel meter purchase or volume control, I urge them to consider the benefits for business in Langley of supporting acoustic music for the outdoors in lieu of amplified.

A government that strives to provide enjoyment and peace for all residents, merchants, workers in town and visitors (some who come specifically for relaxation and respite) is a good direction. Robert Wolff writes in his book, “Original Wisdom”: “In a very real sense, all of Malay culture is focused on maintaining harmony among people and between people and their environment.”

The two most recent outdoor amplified events, one beginning at 9 p.m. on a Sunday evening at the firehouse across from Brookhaven senior and disabled residences where I live, and an outdoor amplified music street dance a couple of weeks ago on Saturday night a block from Brookhaven and close to other neighborhood residences, was too loud inside my home. I wondered if any of the diners in the restaurant across the street might have been disturbed by the volume.

Additional upcoming outdoor amplified music events (that I am aware of) are scheduled at Useless Bay Coffee across from the Brookhaven community house, Brookhaven resident apartments and the public library.

Debbie Zick
