Opportunity to purchase land for public use | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor:

South Whidbey and North Whidbey islanders have a fabulous opportunity to own publicly 664 acres of forestland and make it available to the public forever.

Developers put in new gravel roads; and soft dirt trails made in between the roads. It is a joy to be out in this land. I have ridden my horse on these awesome trails, from the time the forest was Georgia Pacific land, and after the recovery of logging by Trillium in 1988. I have been so thankful for this land, this wonderful experience. This land has been open for people to ride and walk on for all these years.

This is such a great equestrian opportunity, probably our last for cross-country woodland. We did such a good job with Putney Woods, the Saratoga Woods, and the Metcalf Woods. I know many are in love with the woods, the same as I am.

All we have to do is pledge a dollar amount to Whidbey Camano Land Trust. They have a Web site, www.savetheforestnow.org.

We only have seven days left. We still need $2.5 million.

Join us June 5 for another ride out, walk out of the M-Bar-C at 10 a.m. RSVP jerrytoy@whidbey.com or call 206-730-2519. (We need to know how many burgers to buy.)

Thank you Herald Net, for running this article: http://heraldnet.com/article/20100601/NEWS01/706019936

Mary Tallman
