To the editor:
I have no problem with Mr. James Anderson’s disagreement with local policies in his letter as published Feb. 20 in the Record. In a democracy, disagreement is part of the process. I do have a problem with his lack of civility in expressing his views.
Problems which afflict Langley are also problems in the entire country: business failures, foreclosures and lack of credit. These problems are not unique to Langley, nor can we divorce ourselves from the effects of events beyond this island. What we can avoid is the kind of rancor that has plagued our national government.
Many local citizens have given countless hours in service to this place. If you want to disagree with them, fine. But do not confuse their policies with their character. We have been blessed over the past years with citizens who care about this community. They deserve our thanks.
Anngaylia Breedlove