Port may be opening ‘Pandora’s Box’ | Letter

Editor, It’s fascinating that the South Whidbey Port Commission, which hasn’t been able to publish more than minimal rental and campgrounds information during the 15 months they’ve managed the Island County Fairgrounds, has been able to pull off such a coordinated campaign regarding the ownership of these fairgrounds.


It’s fascinating that the South Whidbey Port Commission, which hasn’t been able to publish more than minimal rental and campgrounds information during the 15 months they’ve managed the Island County Fairgrounds, has been able to pull off such a coordinated campaign regarding the ownership of these fairgrounds.

Within the course of two weeks, they’ve held two public “infomercials,” mailed out a beautiful four-page “information” pamphlet, flooded their website with “information” and had their PAC mail out a postcard just as the ballets arrived in our mailboxes. It is illegal for a public agency to lobby on behalf of their ballot measure: By distributing literature and holding “information” sessions, the Port has managed to come in under the wire just this side of legal.

And where is the Fairgrounds Plan that taxpayers paid for that outlines the Port’s blueprint for the fairgrounds? Oops, the Port decided not to publish it. It’s currently only available through a public records request.

All this makes me wonder when the public will be informed about the Port’s plans for the fairgrounds. After a building is demolished?

The county agreement with the Port requires that they save only three buildings out of the nearly two dozen on the property. And let’s not forget that Port Commissioner Curt Gordon was on the steering committee for the Fairgrounds Strategic Plan that pitched a multi-million dollar fairgrounds “events center” two years ago.

If this vote had happened a year ago, I would have voted “yes.” After attending both the Port’s daytime workshops (the Port only gives 24-hour notice about) and monthly meetings for well over a year, I can no longer support the Port.

There may not be another “sanctioned” alternative to the management and preservation of the fairgrounds at this point, but with a community as creative as ours, I have no doubt there will be. Perhaps County Commissioners Jill Johnson and Richard Hannold could use a lesson in civics relating to the Island County Fairgrounds. The box they so neatly wanted to put the fairgrounds into may in fact turn out to be Pandora’s box.

