To the editor:
Let’s compare traditional prostitution with our political prostitutes working out of congressional brothels in Washington, D.C.
Traditional prostitutes deal in voluntary agreements between consenting adults in which both parties benefit. These arrangements are often referred to as “victimless” crimes.
Political prostitutes sell legislative favors to special interest groups. The politicians get re-elected, the special interest groups get preferential legislation and taxpayers, the unwilling participants, get screwed. These are not “victimless” crimes.
Traditional prostitutes obviously hold the moral high ground in this comparison and there may not be much we can do about our “oldest profession.”
There are, however, things we can and should do about political prostitution.
We should:
Vote every incumbent out;
Establish term limits;
And use public funds for election campaigns.
There’s a lot more to do of course, but these are important first steps.
Oak Harbor