To the editor:
Why do Republicans hate people?
This question has been eating at me for some time now and I’m hoping a Republican can help me get an answer.
Republicans want to cut the federal budget by $50 billion to $60 billion and more, if they can get away with it.
These cuts will be made by eliminating some education funding. Why do Republicans hate education?
Cuts will be made in heating oil help for poor people. Why do Republicans hate poor people?
Cuts will be made in food programs. Why do Republicans hate hungry people?
John Boehner (Republican speaker of the house) after hearing that the budget his party wants to make would eliminate 700,000 jobs said, “So be it.”
This is the same person that kept repeating during the last midterm election cycle, “Where are the jobs, Mr. President?” Why do Republicans hate working people?
Republicans have been working overtime to eliminate any federal healthcare benefits to people and to push them into expensive, private, for-profit, health insurance policies that very few can afford. The numbers of the working poor that cannot afford healthcare keeps growing into the several millions yet the Republicans keep fighting this need. Why do Republicans hate people who need healthcare?
Republicans want to keep the tax credits going to the wealthiest among us and pay for that cut by cutting programs that help people, yet want to raise the military budget.
Why do Republicans love war and hate people?
I am just a fellow traveler, and am earnest in my quest for an answer to these and many other questions such as “Why do people vote Republican when Republicans hate people?”
Dan Freeman