Things will get a lot uglier | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: I attended a Move On meeting Sunday, July 17 in Clinton to advocate for the “American Dream,” something that I grew up believing in.

To the editor:

I attended a Move On meeting Sunday, July 17 in Clinton to advocate for the “American Dream,” something that I grew up believing in.

At this meeting, a young woman in her early 20s told her story. She wants to continue with schooling but can’t afford it. Education in America, something that used to be taken for granted as part of this American Dream, is not affordable for her. She said that getting into enormous debt to pay for school didn’t look like a good way to go. The idea of getting out of school to face a huge bill for her education didn’t seem like a good idea, more like an American Nightmare.

America continues to take resources from young people, in the form of funding education, and proposes to “privatize” education to make it work better. Yeah, right.

Another person came out and said that he knows young people who have joined the military so they can have shelter, food, minimum pay and maybe a chance at getting some education, if they survive. This is the “poor man’s draft” in America. Just think, you too can bring this American Dream to the rest of the world. Have you noticed that this “dream” has to be spread by violence?

The Republican Party and some of the spineless Democrats in American government have come out against Elizabeth Warren to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and as this came out, the Republicans tipped their hand and said they don’t even want this bureau to exist.

They don’t want any protection for the victims of the banksters’ fraud and abuse. Republicans voted against this appointment in lockstep and expect to run on the slogan, “Republicans are watching out for your interests.” Yeah right, why would they vote to protect you from the big campaign donors who own them?

Foreign terrorist organizations can’t hold a candle to the terror being wrought on America today by our own military/industrial/Wall Street/oil-owned government.

Wake up and brace yourself Americans. This assault on us is probably going to get a lot uglier.

