Think again, Sen. Haugen | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor:

I recently read some coverage on the national popular vote movement in the U.S. and followed a few links to see where my legislators are on this subject.

As I found out as I passed my way through the National Popular Vote Inc. Web site, Washington state has already approved this policy. I was further surprised to see that Sen. Mary Margaret Haugen thinks it is a good idea, as evidenced by her sponsorship of SB 5204.

My question is this: Sen. Haugen, why are you eager to allow other larger states with more population decide the election of the president?

It seems to me that you don’t care what your constituents here in our small state think. Senator, we live in a republic, not a socialist democracy.

The electoral system by its nature forces politics to be localized, closer to the hearts and minds of the citizens of each state. I would think that you would welcome the respect and responsibility that the voters in our district have bestowed by electing you. I would think you would show us the same. Unfortunately, what you and the others in the Legislature have done with this vote is disrespect the citizens in your respective districts.

This law should be struck down. The citizen votes of your district and others in the state should dictate our electoral votes, not what the large states have decided as they cast their votes. Anything else abrogates your responsibility to represent your constituents.

Senator, if you truly think that a popular vote is the right way to elect the president, then organize an amendment to the Constitution with others. This current back-door approach, as evidenced in your Senate bills, is not the way.

Richard Johnson
