We need Koster for honesty in Congress | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor:

Why is Rick Larsen continuing to lie?

I heard the radio ad again today that says “John Koster wants to privatize Social Security.” That’s a lie.

Larsen did admit on Oct. 8 on a morning radio show that Koster has never said he wants to “privatize” Social Security, however Larsen is still continuing the ad. I guess lying about your opponent is a better strategy than actually telling the truth about yourself.

Let’s look at what Larsen has done in Congress. Larsen voted for “Obamacare” (against the will of the people), voted for the $1 trillion stimulus package, voted against eliminating the death tax, voted to fund ACORN, voted to tack on $23 billion in pork to Afghanistan funding, voted against increased funding for missile defense, voted to continue the failed TARP program, voted for the financial bill that increased the deficit by $4.5 billion, voted for the $1.1 trillion Omnibus Appropriations Bill, voted for the $154 billion “jobs” package, voted to increase taxes and against extending the tax cuts. This is just a partial list of all of his accomplishments.

Wow, with that kind of record, I wouldn’t want to brag about it, either. Since Larsen is lying about Koster’s position, what else is he lying about?

It’s high time we elect people to represent us who have integrity and honesty. John Koster is that man.

Julie Stein
