Grace by the Sea Anglican Church is hosting an event on June 26 featuring artist Deborah Anderson.
Whidbey Island Nourishes will preview chairs for the CHAIR-ity Auction and Chair Trail.
Longtime Whidbey explorer shares wildlife experiences
Residents are invited to the presentation “For Palestine, the stones cry out for justice and peace!”
The self-guided tour runs for a year and features 20 different artists scattered across the island.
Home brewer Steven Chavez pours beer made with Douglas fir tips, pine, spices and Chinook hops.
Renaissance Faire drew creatures fair and foul
Oak Harbor saluted the fallen
A South Whidbey High School junior and her team brought their animated short to a state competition.
Chickens and goats will compete to find out who’s the pluckiest at the upcoming Barnyard Olympics.
One South Whidbey gardener’s dedication to preserving the official state flower pays off every spring
The event will feature food, music and the men and women who have served the country.
June brings two events novice and experienced boaters might not want to miss.