Plaque commemorates battle to preserve Saratoga Woods

Just like any good piece of history, it should be set in stone.

Nestled at the entrance of Saratoga Woods in Langley is a plaque and boulder that commemorates the efforts of grassroots organization Save the Woods on Saratoga, which went toe-to-toe with developers planning to turn the land into a large resort over a six-year period (1995-2001). As a result of their efforts, 118 acres of property were purchased for conservation and public access. It was later turned into an Island County park.

Community members worked with the Whidbey Camano Land Trust and Island County Parks to install the marker on Oct. 12.

Diane Kendy, who spearheaded the effort alongside Betty Azar and Fran Abel, said the boulder will help enlighten those who were not aware of the large community effort to save the forest.