ALERT program seeks more volunteers

A community-led emergency preparedness group in Langley is searching for more volunteers.

A community-led emergency preparedness group in the Village by the Sea is searching for more volunteers.

Langley Police Chief Tavier Wasser has set out to revive the ALERT program, which stands for Advanced Langley Emergency Response Team. The group, which used to convene monthly, has been inactive prior to his tenure.

“I want to bring it back and get the people educated on how best they can keep them and their communities safe,” Wasser said.

The program divides Langley into 12 different zones, a map of which can be viewed on the city’s website,, under the “Residents” tab.

In case of an emergency – whether earthquake, landslide, flooding or something else that would put Langley into extended isolation – the zones work together to respond. The program previously had zone leaders who attended various safety and emergency preparedness training courses.

Though ALERT is not a city board or commission, Wasser encourages people who have a purpose in a zone, whether as a business owner or a resident, to get involved. Interested parties can reach out to the front desk at Langley City Hall and give their name, address and contact info to be put on a roster for the program.