Every dog has its day, the saying goes, and that was certainly the case Sept. 28 in Langley at the second PAWZ By the Sea 5K run/walk.
In all, 131 people came to trot, strut and walk through Langley on Sunday. Sponsored by Jean Dieden, owner of Animal Hospital by the Sea , and the Langley Main Street Association, the day saw dogs of all colors and sizes and lots of people who came just for the run of it.
Thomas Simms and dad Matt Simms of Langley won first place for the men in just 14 minutes. Women co-winners were Marti Murphy, who borrowed her friend’s dog, Baxter, for the race and Julie Buktenica and Lizzie, last year’s first-place winners. Running as a team, the women both ran together across the finish line.
Prizes were given to the top 10 men and women, as well as random prizes for the dogs. Tess Callahan with her service dog Lulu and Rick Weiss with Dandy, of Freeland, were happy to take the final place award.