Assisted care project finds buyer in Freeland

A much-anticipated assisted care facility in Freeland appears to be closer to becoming a reality.

The facility was to have been built adjacent to the condominiums at the Village at Maple Ridge, and opened by 2002, according to the initial plans publicized by its developers. It was part of a two-stage development that included the senior-only housing at Maple Ridge — built by Freeland developer Erl Bangston — and the assisted living facility.

During a meeting last week at Freeland Hall, Bangston announced that he had a purchase agreement with a group that plans to develop the facility.

“They are a viable buyer and have several other facilities in the area,” Bangston said.

Bangston said the group’s architects are working with plans now for a 69- to 78-bed unit.

“They will make their own official announcement soon,” he said.

Many residents of Maple Ridge bought their condos thinking that an assisted care facility would be built nearby.

But the original owners of the assisted care site, H & H Properties, ran into financial difficulties and were unable to develop the care facility.

Bangston took control of the property after that and has since been looking for a buyer.