Barlean enters race for county prosecutor

State Rep. Kelly Barlean, R-Langley, filed this week as a candidate for Island County prosecuting attorney.

State Rep. Kelly Barlean, R-Langley, filed this week as a candidate for Island County prosecuting attorney.

Democratic incumbent Greg Banks has filed for re-election. As of press time Friday afternoon, neither man faced a challenge within his party in the Sept. 17 primary election.

Last week Barlean withdrew from the race for the Republican Party nomination to run for the 2nd District congressional seat held by Democrat Rick Larsen.

Barlean cited lack of money and support from the National Republican Party.

In a news release, Barlean said he was considering several private sector legal positions after announcing his withdrawal from the congressional race when he was contacted by a number of people and was asked to consider running for prosecutor.

“I knew I wanted to return to public service, but I didn’t not realize that there would be a need so soon,” he said in the release.

He said he wants to make Island County a safer place for our families to live and work.

Barlean is a graduate of the Air Force Academy and the University of Colorado School of Law. He is licensed to practice in Colorado, Washington and the District of Columbia. He lives in Langley with his wife, Tara, and their three children.