Boys, girls jam at home jamboree

A tied school record and a monopolization of sprint events was a fast way to start a track season Thursday.

A tied school record and a monopolization of sprint events was a fast way to start a track season Thursday.

At a boys and girls track and field jamboree that brought Oak Harbor and Lakewood to town, the smallest school at the meet, South Whidbey, was clearly the class on the rubber and grass at Waterman Field. On the girls side, junior Katy McGillen tied a school record in the high jump, soaring 5 feet, 6 inches even on a damp runup.

For both teams, the shorter races were some of the most successful, with senior Andy Wills winning the 100-meter and 400-meter dash and Nicole Mock winning the 100 and Catherine East taking a historically rare win for the Falcons in the girls 400.

Typically a relaxed way to start the season, jamboree meets usually do not produce great performances. But with a little competition around them after two weeks of solid pre-season practice, the Falcons were eager to perform.

Additional highlights for the girls included a 1-2-3 sweep in the 200, with three girls running under 29 seconds; and a 2-3-4 finish in the 1,600 by Julie Gabelein, Nancy Godsey and Mary Bakeman.

The team had a strong showing in the 100 hurdles with freshman Kaylee Baldwin turning up as the big surprise with a third-place finish. Finishing in fourth was sophomore Becky Gabelein and in fifth Suzie Cruchon.

In the boys meet, there were plenty of other Falcons beside Andy Wills who showed they have speed this season. Not far behind Will’s 11.33 finish was Zach Taylor in third place, Adam Tenuta in fourth place, and junior Kyle McGillen with a speedy 12.08.

At 400 meters, Wills ran the kind of time he was running at the end of the 2001 season, blasting unchallenged to first place in 50.9 seconds.

Other highlights for the boys included McGillen’s 6-foot high jump, a 35-plus-foot shot put by sophomore Tanner McInerney, and a long, 150-10 javelin throw by Jeremy Iversen.

The teams compete next in a home triangular Thursday against visitors Meridian and Blaine. The meet starts at 4 p.m.