Chapter relies on needed support

To the editor:

To the editor:

What does the American Red Cross do when there’s no disaster?

I’ve been asked this question enough times and feel the need to address it.

In addition to providing first aid, CPR, AIDS awareness and babysitting classes, your local Island County chapter provides disaster relief and acts as a liason for military families in times of emergency.

Island County Red Cross also maintains emergency radios in case traditional methods of communication are knocked out and sells first aid and disaster kits to help families be prepared for emergencies.

The American Red Cross is an organization that relies on volunteers. Many local businesses rely on Red Cross volunteers to teach first aid and CPR classes for their employees. Island County Red Cross volunteers put in between 300 and 350 hours per month teaching classes, providing aid to victims of fire and helping out in Naval Hospital Oak Harbor.

Many in our community enjoy our local swimming pool which is staffed by American Red Cross-trained lifeguards and swim instructors.

The American Red Cross receives no government funding, nor are individual chapters financially supported by national headquarters for the American Red Cross.

Each individual chapter relies entirely on donations from their communities; if those donations don’t come in, some chapters have to close their doors.

Many people financially supporting the Red Cross don’t realize that unless they specify their donations for use in their local chapter, all monies will be sent to National Headquarters in Washington, D.C. and not directly to benefit their hometown chapter.

Island County Red Cross has moved to their new location in the bright yellow building on Dock Street in downtown Oak Harbor. Stop in and see how you can help your community!

Erika Miller

Board member

Island County American

Red Cross