Counselor arrested for violating court order

unselor Glenn Jolley was recently arrested for the second time in the last two weeks by police at his Oak Harbor office.Island County Superior Court Judge Alan Hancock issued a warrant for Jolley's arrest after Oak Harbor police accused him of violating the terms of his release by seeing a female patient alone in his Cabot Drive office without supervision.

“Counselor Glenn Jolley was recently arrested for the second time in the last two weeks by police at his Oak Harbor office.Island County Superior Court Judge Alan Hancock issued a warrant for Jolley’s arrest after Oak Harbor police accused him of violating the terms of his release by seeing a female patient alone in his Cabot Drive office without supervision.Jolley, a 59-year-old counselor who has offices in Oak Harbor and Freeland, was arrested Feb. 6 and charged with indecent liberties in Island County Superior Court Feb. 8. A patient accused him of molesting her during a January counseling session. Jolley was released without bail, but with the condition that he have no unsupervised contact with any females besides his wife.The police claim Jolley violated the condition within hours after the court released him. He allegedly met with a female patient in his Oak Harbor office Feb. 6 and scheduled another session with her for Feb. 13, according to the prosecutor’s motion for the warrant.Oak Harbor Detective Teri Gardner said the patient contacted her after reading about Jolley’s arrest in the newspaper. Three detectives arranged to follow the patient to the Feb. 13 counseling session and ended up arresting Jolley.In court Thursday, Hancock set Jolley’s bail at $10,000. He ordered that Jolley post a notice in his office that reads: Dr. Jolley’s practice is now limited to males and couples. Under NO circumstances will Dr. Jolley be seeing individual female clients.In addition, Hancock ordered Jolley to send letters to all of his female patients informing them that he is not allowed to counsel them individually.Jolley’s trial is set for May 1.In the meantime, detectives in both the Oak Harbor Police Department and the Island County Sheriff’s Office are investigating allegations that Jolley has sexually molested or sexually harassed a series of patients over the last decade.Since 1991, seven women have accused Jolley of sexual misconduct. The Washington State Department of Health took correction action against him in 1995 and is currently investigating two new complaints against him. “