Concerns about potholes, dead animals, vandalism in parks and more can now be submitted to Island County using a smartphone on a new online app. Using a link to the county Service Request App, users can pinpoint exactly where the problem is on a map and see other requests that have been made, along with notes from staff and the status.
“(Staff was) just looking for ways we can serve the public better and they can get information to us better about what their concerns are,” said Connie Bowers, assistant county engineer.
Requests along county roads can include a dead animal, missing or down road sign, garbage, vegetation concern, water on the roadway, abandoned vehicle, a downed tree and potholes. County park service requests can be made for vandalism, garbage and abandoned property.
After a request is sent, staff from the front office will receive an email and notify the appropriate people to respond. Bowers said a “soft” launch happened around November and “it was an immediate interest.”
The web app can be found at