Ed Halloran resigns from port board

The Port of South Whidbey will soon be looking for a new commissioner.

The Port of South Whidbey will soon be looking for a new commissioner.

Ed Halloran, who represents the Langley district, officially resigned from his role Oct. 10, citing personal health issues.

“I have enjoyed working at the Port immensely and feel that my time here was well-spent and productive,” Halloran wrote in his letter of resignation. “I have been engaged by the many challenging tasks and projects and will cherish the memories I have working on these with the Director, my fellow Commissioners, and support staff.”

His fellow port commissioner, Curt Gordon, brought up the subject during the port’s monthly meeting on Tuesday. Gordon said Halloran’s resignation came as a shock to him.

“He’s always been a phenomenal, level-headed addition to our commission,” Gordon said. “I appreciate him as a friend and also as a commissioner.”

Jack Ng, another port commissioner, said it would be tough to replace him.

“We’re going to miss the guy. He’s been an amazing port commissioner and he’s always been a supporter of our ideas and stuff,” Ng said. “It’s a sad day. It’s sad to hear that and I hope he does well.”

Gordon said a call for applicants to fill Halloran’s position will be forthcoming later this month or early next month. Whoever is appointed will have the option to run for election in 2023 for a four-year term that runs from 2024 to 2027.

In both 2015 and 2021, Halloran ran unopposed for his seat on the board of commissioners. He was first appointed to the role in 2014.