LANGLEY — From fake blood to togas, it was a big week at South Whidbey High School. And it all led up to the homecoming football game against the King’s High School Knights.
On Monday, the dress-up theme was “Fake an Injury” and the school campus swarmed with students on crutches and covered with bandages.
Tuesday was “Intergalactic Day” with students dressed as a variety of alien creatures.
Wednesday was “Class Choice Day” as each class got to choose its own unique dress-up theme and, naturally, the seniors picked togas once again.
“Let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to wear a bed sheet to school,” Zoe Hill said.
Her friend KayLynn Childers said that preparing for the day was easy.
“You grab some leaves for a crown out of the backyard and you’re good to go.”
At noon, the students voted for their choice for this year’s homecoming king and queen, but had to wait two more days for the results.
Those lucky royals were announced at halftime during Friday night’s football game.
In the evening, the Falcon girls’ Powder Puff football game was followed by the traditional tug-of-war action at Waterman Field.
Thursday was “Blue-and-White Day,” complete with a pep assembly to get everyone pumped up for the big game.
At the rally, each class presented a skit to get everyone’s blood boiling. Though the mock Olympics staged by the freshmen had its moments, nothing could compare to senior Nick Tenuta’s “woman in red” when he dressed in a cherry-red dress and tried to distract Falcon stalwarts Trapper Rawls and Chandler Thompson from their duties on the football field.
Friday night before the big game, legendary South Whidbey volleyball coach Mike Parnell was inducted into the Falcon Wall of Fame by the school’s Booster Club, joining last year’s honorees Carl Westling and Jim Leierer.
Also honored were
12 student-athletes from the Class of 2008 — Parker Barnett [football], Blake Blakey [golf], Robert Boenish [football], Darrin Britton [football], Kyle Hoch [football], Aaron Mannie [wrestling], Patrick McLean [football], Erica Johnson [cross country], Lauren Sandri [track], James Schorr [wrestling] and Levi Sawyer [football].
But let’s face it, the highlight of the week was the football game and the presentation of the homecoming king and queen.
This year’s king is Josh Moody; the queen is Associated Student Body president Maya Hough.
Princes and princesses included Wolf Clifton, Trapper Rawls, Nicol Zalewski and Natalie Wheeler.
Homecoming festivities at South Whidbey High School end tonight with a dance from 8 to 11 p.m. in the new commons.
Reporter Kelsie Fitzpatrick contributed to this story.