Feedback needed for Freeland plan

Island County is looking for community feedback on Freeland’s proposed sub-area plan and development regulations. The planning department will hold two opportunities this month to gather that input, the first of which is an all-day affair from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, July 14 at the Whidbey Water Services Building, 5585 S Lotto Ave in Freeland.

Island County is looking for community feedback on Freeland’s proposed sub-area plan and development regulations.

The planning department will hold two opportunities this month to gather that input, the first of which is an all-day affair from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, July 14 at the Whidbey Water Services Building, 5585 S Lotto Ave in Freeland.

The second opportunity comes later this month in the more traditional format of an evening meeting. It’s from 6-8 p.m. Monday, July 25 at the same location.

Island County is updating the sub-area plan, a document that aims to guide growth and development over the next 20 years. The development regulations are the tools that will be used to implement the vision.

Those who can’t attend the meetings can submit comments and questions via email to