Freeland dock slated for repairs

A popular South Whidbey dock will soon get a makeover.

A popular South Whidbey dock will soon get a makeover.

Repairs have been scheduled for the dock in Freeland Park, which is 27 years old and has weathered many heavy storms and king tides that caused damage in 2021.

Island County Public Works officials have had their eyes on fixing the dock since 2022 but have been waiting for final permits to be issued. In the meantime, rubber mats were placed on the dock to act as hinges as well as spanning the gap between floats, Island County Public Works Assistant Director James Sylvester said.

Mending the dock will cost approximately $285,000. Repairs will commence this winter during the slow season, according to Sylvester. Though the contract is scheduled for 90 days, he doesn’t expect it to take that long.

During this time, the floats will be removed from the water and work will be done in a section of the nearby parking lot.

The updated dock will have new hinges, structural components and a fiberglass grate, the latter of which replaces decking that was reaching the end of its life span and allows sunlight to shine through to the water below, according to information from an Island County press release.