The following are segments of stories taken from the front pages of the Whidbey Island Record 50, 25 and 15 years ago on Thursday, Nov. 18, 1965, Tuesday, Nov. 13, 1990, and Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2000.
50 years ago
Editor: Ace Comstock
District to apply for federal education aid
“South Whidbey’s School Board, including its two new members, voted at the regular meeting Monday night to apply for some $11,826 in federal aid money designed to finance supplemental school programs.
“Possible programs discussed at this meeting included a basic skills room and a pre-school program, including transportation.”
25 years ago
Editor: Jim Larsen
Help sought to send cards, Frisbees to Gulf
“Homesick soldiers in Saudi Arabia are going to have a little more to cheer about when the South Whidbey School Christmas Card Project sends thousands of cards to the Middle East in December.
“Air Force Colonel Dennis Hunsinger, a 1970 Langley High School graduate and military advisor at the Pentagon, knows the joy a card from back home can bring.
“Speaking at South Whidbey intermediate School during his leave from the Pentagon, Hunsinger told the kids that sending cards will help make the holidays a little more ‘bearable.’ ”
15 years ago
Editor: Jim Larsen
More people than vaccine at first clinic
“The public clinic for flu shots was due to open in Coupeville at 10 a.m. Monday morning. By 9 a.m. there was already a crowd of more than 200 people gathered outside the Community Hall. Inside, health care works were genuinely concerned. They only had 170 doses to give.”