The following are Whidbey Island Fair exhibit and competition award winners, listed by name, city of residence, class description and placing.
Junior performance horse
Ellie Thomson, Langley, bareback equitation – English or Western, grand; Ellie Thomson, Langley, hunt seat equitation, grand; Ellie Thomson, Langley, stock seat equitation, grand; Ellie Thomson, Langley, trail, grand
performance horse
Ashley Menges, Oak Harbor, bareback equitation – English or Western, reserve; Camden Miller, Oak Harbor, bareback equitation – English or Western, grand; Ahnika Burt, Freeland, hunt seat equitation, grand; McKenna Kelley, Langley, hunt seat equitation, reserve; Camden Miller, Oak Harbor, stock seat equitation, grand; Molly Mills, Freeland, stock seat equitation, reserve; Ashley Menges, Oak Harbor, trial, grand; Camden Miller, Oak Harbor, trail, reserve; Ahnika Burt, Freeland, reinsmanship, grand; Alexandra Bannister, Freeland, driving pleasure, reserve; Ahnika Burt, Freeland, driving pleasure, grand; Blazin Saddles (team/company), Oak Harbor, club drill, reserve; Whidbey Wranglers (team/company), Clinton, club drill, grand
Senior performance horse
Katherine Houck, Oak Harbor, bareback equitation – English or Western, reserve; Allyson Roberts, Coupeville, bareback equitation – English or Western, grand; Megan Miller, Langley, hunt seat equitation, reserve; Allyson Roberts, Coupeville, hunt seat equitation, grand; Megan Miller, Langley, stock seat equitation, grand; Allyson Roberts, Coupeville, stock seat equitation, reserve; Anna Leski, Freeland, trail, grand; Megan Miller, Langley, trail, grand; Allyson Roberts, Coupeville, trail, reserve; Kacie Hanson, Clinton, reinsmanship, grand; Kacie Hanson, Clinton, driving pleasure, grand; Samantha Leese, Oak Harbor, driving pleasure, reserve; Kacie Hanson, Clinton, driving precision, grand; Breann Edwards, Langley, groom squad (seniors only), reserve; Alexandra Foode, Clinton, groom squad (seniors only), grand; Kacie Hanson, Clinton, groom squad (seniors only), grand; Morgan Mackie, Clinton, groom squad (seniors only), reserve; Megan Miller, Langley, groom squad (seniors only), grand; Megan Miller, Langley, discipline rail English (seniors only), reserve; Allyson Roberts, Coupeville, discipline rail English (seniors only), grand; Megan Miller, Langley, discipline rail Western (seniors only), reserve; Allyson Roberts, discipline rail Western (seniors only), grand
Junior Western games
Ryder Kinskie, Idaho figure 8, grand; Ryder Kinskie, two barrel flag race, grand
Intermediate Western games
Serenity Birchfield, Langley, poles, grand; McKenna Kelley, Langley, Idaho figure 8, grand; Camden Miller, Oak Harbor, Idaho figure 8, reserve; Serenity Birchfield, Langley, key race, grand; Camden Miller, Oak Harbor, two barrel flag race, grand; Serenity Birchfield, Langley, speed barrels, reserve; McKenna Kelley, Langley, speed barrels, grand; McKenna Kelley, Langley, international flags, grand; Camden Miller, Oak Harbor, international flags, reserve; Alexandra Bannister, Freeland, Texas barrels, reserve; Camden Miller Oak Harbor, Texas barrels, grand
Senior Western games
Hunter Newman, Clinton, poles, grand; Kacie Hanson, Clinton, Idaho figure 8, reserve; Logan Madsen, Clinton, Idaho figure 8, reserve; Dylan Woodward, Langley, Idaho figure 8; Alexandra Foode, Clinton, key race, reserve; Logan Madsen, Clinton, key race; grand; Alexandra Foode, Clinton, two barrel flag race, grand; Hunter Newman, Clinton, two barrel flag race, reserve; Alexandra Foode, Clinton, speed barrels, reserve; Dylan Woodward, Langley, speed barrels, grand; Alexandra Foode, Clinton, international flags, grand; Dylan Woodward, Langley, international flags, reserve; Hunter Newman, Clinton, Texas barrels, grand; Dylan Woodward, Langley, Texas barrels, grand
Junior 4-H beef
Sidney Ollis, Langley, showmanship, grand; Sidney Ollis, Langley, late summer yearling heifers calved July 1-Aug.31, 2014
Intermediate 4-H beef
Ainsley Nelson, Clinton, showmanship, reserve; Samantha Ollis, Langley, showmanship, grand; Ainsley Nelson, Clinton, junior heifer calves calved after Jan. 1, 2015, grand; Samantha Ollis, Langley, senior heifer calves calved Sept. 1-Oct.31, 2013, grand; Samantha Ollis, Langley, senior yearling heifers calved Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2012, grand; Ainsley Nelson, Clinton, mature cow, grand; Ainsley Nelson, Clinton, cow/calf pairs (calf must have dropped after Jan. 1, 2014), grand; Samantha Ollis, Langley, market steer 1,000 lbs. or more (2 allowed), grand