HUB searches for new board member

A Langley nonprofit organization that has been supporting kids for over 30 years is looking for a new member to join its board of directors.

The HUB, which offers after-school programs and meals for kids, is currently accepting applications for the volunteer position.

Interested candidates must submit a resume and a letter of interest to the executive director, Hank Hall, at

There is no deadline for applications, but the board is hoping the position will be filled before the summer.

The board is taking its time to review all applicants, and members will vote to select someone when the right candidate comes along.

The board has nine members at full capacity. Members are required to fulfill a two-year commitment but can apply to serve again on the board.

Previous experience in serving on other boards is a requirement for the position.

The new board member must also attend monthly meetings and help make decisions from 5:30 to 7 p.m., every second Wednesday in the basement of the Langley United Methodist Church.