Island will celebrate Earth Day

'Hope In Hard Times' to celebrate community, spirit, and the Earth

A family afternoon of songs, music and Earth centered activities will take place Saturday at the Whidbey Institute in a celebration of Earth Day.

There will also be time to explore the forest, fields, and swamp of the Whidbey Institute’s 100-acre campus.

Providing entertainment will be musicians Dana Lyons (of “Cows With Guns” fame), Seattle songwriter Jim Page, the Citizens Band from Olympia and acoustic guitarist Casey Neill. Also on hand will be representatives from many of South Whidbey’s local grassroots organizations, including the Sister Island Project, Whidbey Environmental Action Network, Green Belt Consulting and the Native Plant Salvage Project.

Scott and Anne Mauk of Full Moon Rising Farm will have goats and lambs on hand.

The event will begin at 1 p.m. in the Thomas Berry Hall for a welcoming and songs from the performers. Afterward, there will be three hours of activities, among them an acoustic “round robin” performance by the musicians, games and fun for families and kids, and guided nature walks on the Chinook Lands

The day will close at 5 p.m. back in Thomas Berry Hall with a keynote address by Vivienne Hull of the Whidbey Institute and a finale from all the musicians.

Anyone interested in volunteering or helping with the event is encouraged to contact Timothy Hull at 341-4601 or e-mail

An open workday on the Whidbey Institute land will start at 9 o’clock Saturday morning to clear trails, weed garden beds, and help tidy up for spring. Volunteers receive a free lunch and are encouraged to stay on for the Earth Day celebration.