50 years ago
Editor: Ace Comstock
Raging fire destroys cannery
“Fire gutted a summer home near Admiralty Point Monday morning, just after the owners had left for Seattle. District Fire Chief E. M. Hunter said that the fire was probably started by a cigarette. The fire started burning in a davenport and then spread to the rest of the home. The house, owned by Seattle attorney Richard B. Ward, started burning sometime after Ward and his wife left the island at 8:40. The alarm was turned in at 11:40 when a neighbor saw smoke pouring from the building.”
15 years ago
Editor: Jim Larsen
Worried parents ask parks to keep soccer first
“Concerned that soccer players may not have enough practice and game space on new soccer fields currently under construction, parents and officials from the South Whidbey Youth Soccer Association asked the South Whidbey Parks and Recreation Department board of commissioners Wednesday night to guarantee fields aplenty for their young kickers.
“Responding to a discussion that sparked angry words from both soccer and Little League baseball parents, the commissioners tried to reassure both groups that there will be no cuts in field space during the next year as the district finishes building three new soccer fields on property adjacent to Langley Road.
“Speaking for his association, youth soccer president Jon Jelinek told the parks commissioners that his organization is concerned about soccer’s priority as the district builds the new fields. Specifically, Jelinek pointed to $40,000 set aside to build a baseball diamond on an existing soccer field in the park. That $40,000 comes out of the $1.3 million bond approved by voters last May.”