Langley planning board seat opens

The City of Langley is looking to fill an open seat on the Planning Advisory Board. The group is comprised of volunteers and is responsible for review and recommendation to the city council on land use applications including subdivisions, variances, conditional uses, rezones etc. and for updating the city’s zoning code, comprehensive plan, shoreline master program, and development of and revision of land use regulations.

The City of Langley is looking to fill an open seat on the Planning Advisory Board.

The group is comprised of volunteers and is responsible for review and recommendation to the city council on land use applications including subdivisions, variances, conditional uses, rezones etc. and for updating the city’s zoning code, comprehensive plan, shoreline master program, and development of and revision of land use regulations.

Positions carry a three-year term.

Interested persons should send a letter of interest to Clerk-Treasurer, City of Langley, P.O. Box 366, Langley, WA 98260.