Library system holds food drive

Sno-Isle Libraries is hoping people will drop off a can of food when they drop off that borrowed book or DVD. The library system is holding a food drive on April 29 and April 30 to help raise awareness of hunger.

Sno-Isle Libraries is hoping people will drop off a can of food when they drop off that borrowed book or DVD.

The library system is holding a food drive on April 29 and April 30 to help raise awareness of hunger. All 21 Sno-Isle community libraries — including those on Whidbey — will serve as public drop-off sites, and food bins will be available near the entry to each library to accept nonperishable food donations.

Library officials noted the sour economy and the growing demand on local food banks. Across Washington, food banks have experienced an

18-percent increase in client need, but the number is nearly double in communities where unemployment is highest.