All You Need is Love’ at Unity
So often we go through life “looking for love in all the wrong places.”
People search high and low for the people or circumstances that will build us up and help us to feel good about ourselves. Finding the perfect one or the perfect thing may be temporary, however, and lead to a search to begin anew.
At the Unity of Whidbey service on Sunday, the lesson will focus on the love relationship needed most, but the one most often neglected: the love of self. Rev. Patty Becker will explain three pitfalls and the ways to overcome them in order to more effectively be the love you so desire.
For additional information or directions, call
321-5030 or check the Unity Web site at
SWCC sermon looks at difficult people
Sunday morning at South Whidbey Community Church, Pastor Ron Wedeking will continue the series on the “Sermon on the Mount” chapters in the Gospel of Matthew.
Sunday’s topic is, “The Law for Dealing with Difficult People,” based on Matthew 5:43-48.
Morning worship begins at 10 a.m. and is preceded by the adult learning forum at 9 a.m., with Stan Walker leading a study in the Book of Acts and Art Angst leading a study into Parables in the Gospel of Luke.
SWCC gathers at the Deer Lagoon Grange, 5142 Bayview Road, Langley. For further information, go to or call 221-1220.
Music as a spiritual practice at UUCWI
Humans are wired for music. When language strains to express the inexpressible and bridge the gap from spirit to Spirit, music provides a means.
At the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Whidbey Island service on Sunday, hear how music has been a spiritual discipline for longtime Whidbey residents Claudia and Tom Walker.
The Walkers have been singing and playing music together for 40 years. Claudia is a music therapist and certified music-thanatologist using harp and voice at the bedside of patients at Providence Medical Center; Tom is a former minister and a guitarist who has composed many songs and performs with the Rural Characters.
All are welcome. Values-based children’s religious exploration classes and childcare will be provided. The service is at 10 a.m. at 20103 Highway 525, just north of Freeland. Check for more information.
Christian Science has mindful service
The power of this mind, not human will power, sustains, heals and guides today as surely as it did 2,000 years ago. On Sunday, Feb. 21, the Christian Science service examines what is meant by “Mind,” and why that does not mean limited human will power.
“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (Phillippians 2:5).
This mindful service begins at 10:30 a.m. at 15910 Highway 525 (just north of Bayview and across from Useless Bay Road).
Learn about the journey of Lent
Langley United Methodist Church will offer a class on the spiritual journey of Lent, guided by the last week of the life of Jesus, from Feb. 23 to March 31.
The class will be taught from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays, or 10 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays, by Dr. Duncan Ferguson and is based on the book “The Last Week: A Day-by-Day Account of Jesus’ Final Week in Jerusalem,” by Marcus J. Borg and John Dominic Crossan.
Lent is a 40-day period of penitence, prayer and service that begins on Ash Wednesday in advance of the celebration of Easter.
The season of Lent came into the church in the 7th century to coincide with the 40 days spent by Jesus in the desert in anticipation of and preparation for his public ministry and the culmination of his calling.
The class will study the final week (eight days) of the life of Jesus, and will primarily use the account in the Gospel of Mark, Chapters 11-16:18.
Register for the class by calling 221-4233.
‘Beyond Theology’ is at Langley UMC
The adult forum series at Langley United Methodist Church continues with “Beyond Theology” at 11 a.m. Sundays.
This series examines topics such as the challenges confronting humanity and the changing representations of God. Facilitators Jennifer Haase Morris and Paul Morris use the program “Beyond Theology” as a discussion prompter as noted theologians, scholars and authors reflect upon the fundamental challenges of our time, addressing the roots of contemporary culture wars and the global environmental crisis.
The series focuses on the emergence of a world view that integrates science and spirituality while exploring the notion that the guiding myths of modern civilization are in transition.
The adult forum is held in the Fireside Room. For more information, call the church at 221-4233.