Creation vs. Evolution discussion continues
The debate over the issue and scientific evidence of Creationism versus Darwinism will continue at the adult forum Sunday at St. Augustine’s in-the-Woods. Ted Brookes will present.
The forum begins at 9:05 a.m. St. Augustine’s in-the-Woods is located at 5217 S. Honeymoon Bay Road in Freeland.
‘This I Believe’ from UUCWI congregation
In an annual tradition at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Whidbey Island, several members of the congregation will speak about their personal beliefs at this Sunday’s service.
Through this sharing, everyone will come to know each other in more meaningful ways and be motivated and challenged to think more deeply about their own beliefs.
The service starts at 10 a.m. Values-based children’s religious exploration classes and childcare will be provided.
UUCWI gathers at 20103 Highway 525, just north of Freeland. Check for more information.
‘God’s Will’ is topic of Sunday service
Richard Burdsal’s talk at Unity of Whidbey on Sunday is entitled “God’s Will.”
Burdsal says he often finds an internal debate happening about whether or not what’s going on could be God’s will for him. Since he’s probably not alone in pondering that question, it may be interesting to hear how he handles it.
Supportive music will be provided by Annette Bader.
Unity services are held at 10 a.m. in Bayview Community Hall and everybody is welcome.
Spiritual pathways class at Langley UMC
Dr. Duncan Ferguson will begin an 11-week class at Langley United Methodist Church from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, March 18.
The class will explore the spiritual pathways for personal and social transformation within the great religious traditions of the human family, from indigenous wisdom traditions (native) and classical expressions of spirituality (Egypt, Greece, etc.) through the religions of Asia (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.) to the monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Ferguson has a doctorate’s degree from the University of Edinburgh, has taught in the area of religious studies and is the author/editor of four books, plus many articles and book reviews.
The class fee of $25 includes the textbook. For more information and to register, contact the church at 221-4233 or
SWCC sermon covers ‘The Hall of Faith’
Co-Pastor Ron Wedeking will give the sermon tomorrow morning at South Whidbey Community Church. His topic will be “The Hall of Faith,” a testimony to past heroes of the faith who were not spiritually bankrupt, based on Hebrews, Chapter 11.
The Sunday worship is 10 a.m. Two adult learning forums begin at 9 a.m.; a study of the Book of Acts, led by Stan Walker, and a study of 1st Samuel, led by Rick Zapata.
Midweek Bible studies continue on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. with the Gospel of Luke, led by Art Angst at Rick and Dinah Zapata’s home.
Thursday nights at 7 p.m., Walker will lead a study on “The Truth Project,” a DVD series produced by Focus on the Family.
All SWCC sermons are recorded, and copies on CD-R or e-mailed in Windows audio attachments may be obtained by calling 221-8365.
South Whidbey Community Church is open to everyone; it is a newly-formed independent, evangelical and non-denominational church.
For more information on the church and services, visit