Pastor Wenzek details ‘The Law of Divorce’
If God wrote our divorce laws, what would they look like? Sunday morning at South Whidbey Community Church, Pastor Darrell Wenzek conducts a Biblical examination of divorce in his sermon, “The Law of Divorce,” based on Matthew 5:31,32.
Morning worship begins at 10 a.m. and is preceded by the adult learning forum at 9 a.m., with Stan Walker leading a study in the Book of Acts and Art Angst leading a study into Parables in the Gospel of Luke. These are open classes where everyone is invited.
SWCC gathers for worship each Sunday at the Deer Lagoon Grange, 5142 Bayview Road. For more information about the church and services, visit or call 221-1220.
Gabriel gives the message for Unity
Joanna Gabriel will talk on “The Raven and the Dove” at the Unity of Whidbey service on Sunday.
Often when we are choosing a spiritual path for our lives, we believe that this means finding a way to erase or at least minimize the challenges along the way. When the challenges keep coming, we are often discouraged and disillusioned.
What if living a spiritually conscious life means growing into peace and joy by way of the challenges? What if the challenges are actually doorways to peace? Gabriel will help explore this possibility and the validation of the premise through scripture and other well-known sacred texts.
‘The Evolution of God’ at UUCWI
In recent years there have been many books and essays arguing for and against the likelihood of the universe being controlled by a God or gods. At the Sunday service for the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Whidbey Island, Rev. Kit Ketcham will consider some current understandings of the concept of God and how this concept has evolved over millennia.
All are welcome. Values-based children’s religious exploration classes and childcare will be provided. The service is at 10 a.m. at 20103 Highway 525, just north of Freeland. Check for more information.
Christian Science celebrates God’s love
“God is Love.” Come to the Christian Science service on Sunday for a joyful service to celebrate the bounty of God’s abundant love for all creation.
“The depth, breadth, height, might, majesty, and glory of infinite Love fill all space. That is enough!” (Science and Health)
Everyone is welcome to the services, which begin at 10:30 a.m. at 5910 Highway 525 (just north of Bayview and across from Useless Bay Road).