Hebrews series concludes at SWCC
Tomorrow’s sermon at South Whidbey Community Church will be delivered by Pastor Ron Wedeking, who will complete his sermon series on the book of Hebrews with the title, “The Changeless Christ,” based on Hebrews, Chapter 13.
The Sunday worship is 10 a.m. Two adult learning forums begin at 9 a.m.; a study of the Book of Acts, led by Stan Walker, and a study of 1st Samuel, led by Ken Goff. Midweek Bible studies continue on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. with the Gospel of Luke, led by Art Angst at Rick and Dinah Zapata’s home.
Thursday nights at 7 p.m., Walker is leading a study on “The Truth Project,” a DVD series produced by Focus on the Family.
All SWCC sermons are recorded, and copies on CD-R, or e-mailed in Windows audio attachments, may be obtained by calling 221-8365.
South Whidbey Community Church gathers for worship each Sunday at the Deer Lagoon Grange, 5142 Bayview Road, Langley. For more information on the church and services, visit www.swcchurch.wordpress.com/.
Unity of Whidbey focuses on joy
Joanna Gabriel will be delivering a talk entitled “Let Your Joy Lead the Way” at Unity on Sunday, March 29.
In a world that can feel like it is constricting, it is more important than ever to become familiar with what gives us joy. If something is joyful, it stretches and expands our experience, an important balance to the tightening of fear and doubt. Sunday’s service will look at the vital presence of joy in our lives and what important role it can play in life’s choices.
The service is at 10 a.m. at Bayview Community Hall.
Social Justice Sunday at UUCWI
In a “soap box” format, several members of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Whidbey Island will speak briefly on social justice issues such as housing, peace activism, marriage equality and civil liberties at the Sunday service.
The service starts at 10 a.m. Singer/songwriter Karin Blaine will be the guest musician. All are welcome. Values-based children’s religious exploration classes and childcare will be provided.
UUCWI gathers at 20103 Highway 525, just north of Freeland. Check www.whidbey.com/uucwi for more information.
Expanded Easter services planned
Several churches from central and south Whidbey are joining with Whidbey Evangelical Free Church for Good Friday communion services in two locations on April 10.
Worship will center on song, brief meditations around the last words of Jesus, and communion, said David Dunaway, associate pastor of Whidbey Evangelical Free Church.
WEFC is located two miles north of Greenbank on Highway 525.
Persons living south of WEFC are encouraged to attend the service at the Langley Christian and Missionary Alliance Church. People who live north of WEFC may wish to attend the service at the Coupeville High School commons.
The South Whidbey Good Friday service is 7:30 p.m. at Langley Christian and Missionary Alliance Church. WEFC Pastor Phil Stevenson will help lead this service.
The Central Whidbey Good Friday service starts at 7 p.m. in the commons at Coupeville High School. Pastor Dunaway will help lead this service, and the WEFC worship team will provide the music.
The WEFC Easter Service will be held from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Easter Sunday, April 12 in the sanctuary. Sunday school classes will not be held. After the worship service, refreshments and fellowship will be offered.