Meditation as a spiritual practice
Unitarian Universalism encourages drawing from many traditions for source material to create a personal spiritual practice. Sarah Richards will be looking at the basic purposes, techniques and concepts of meditation at the service at 9 a.m. Sunday.
Richards has practiced Transcendental and Vipassana Meditation, has a master’s in counseling, and has organized a meditation group at her previous Unitarian Universalist Congregation.
All are welcome. The service is at the church at 20103 Highway 525, just north of Freeland. Check for more information.
Author speaks at Sunday service
Tej Steiner, author of “Heart Circles,” returns to Unity of Whidbey at 10 a.m. Sunday at Bayview Hall.
Steiner will lead the Sunday service, followed by a potluck lunch and a facilitated Unity community all-congregation dialogue on anything and everything members and friends want to discuss about the church.
The conversation will be held in circle, using the heart circles techniques, and facilitated by Steiner.
Learn more at Christian Science
To learn more of how you can experience the perfection of God’s creation, come to the Sunday service, Nov. 9, at the Christian Science Church, 2411 E. Highway 525 (across from Useless Bay Road).
“Jesus taught but one God, one Spirit, who makes man in the image and likeness of Himself — of Spirit, not of matter.” This frees you from belief in the Adam/Eve myth. “Let the ‘male and female’ of God’s creating appear.” (Science and Health)
The service begins at 10:30 a.m.
SWCC Genesis series continues
Ever wonder about the biblical basis for Creation? Does it matter? The Sunday speaker at South Whidbey Community Church will be Darrel Wenzek, who continues his popular series from the Bible with the topic, “We’ve Only Just Begun,” from Genesis 4:1-24.
Wenzek is a former pastor and a graduate of Western Theological Seminary, in Portland, Ore.
After the worship service, the church will host a Mexican-food potluck and a short bi-monthly congregational meeting following the morning worship. Membership not required, and it’s also a good opportunity to come and see what the church is about. Each worship service begins at 10 a.m., and is preceded at 9 a.m. by two adult learning forums: one a discussion of the Book of Romans, led by Stan Walker; the other a study of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, led by Jim Craft. Midweek Bible studies continue in the Gospel of Luke, at 7 p.m. Wednesdays, led by Art Angst at the home of Rick and Dinah Zapata.