Major grad ceremony changes due for class of 2000

High school graduation may not be such a grueling experience for seniors and their relatives in the first year of what is arguably the new millennium.

“High school graduation may not be such a grueling experience for seniors and their relatives in the first year of what is arguably the new millennium.The South Whidbey School Board at its November meeting approved some major changes to the graduation routine.The Class of 2000 will break with tradition and graduate on Saturday, rather than Sunday. And, weather permitting, the site will be the high school football stadium rather than the cramped indoor gym as in past years.Graduation is now officially set for Saturday, June 3 at 4 p.m. Principal Mike Johnson said the changes were recommended by senior class officers and a parents’ group working on a “grad night” the evening of graduation.“It’ll be a get-together where a lot more of their classmates can attend,” Johnson said. In recent years the traditional graduation night party was axed in favor of a class trip to Disneyland, usually attended by less than half the graduates. But last year’s class skipped the Disneyland trip entirely. For 2000, parents are hoping to return to an all-class activity described by Johnson as “a drug-free, alcohol-free get-together.” The parents’ group, not the school, would be the event sponsor.The 2000 graduation ceremony itself will be streamlined by moving some aspects to other times. Johnson said a scholarships and awards night is planned, as is a night when parents of seniors will get together for dessert. That will allow graduation to consist of what Johnson described as “a couple speeches, presentations, and the diplomas.”“It sounds like a lot more fun to spread it out like that,” said board member Wendy Alexander. The board voted unanimously to approve the graduation plan.”