NOTABLE | Whidbey Island Area Fair 4-H exhibitors

Whidbey Island Area Fair 4-H exhibitors in foods and nutrition, clothing, needlework, applied arts, photography, gardening, educational displays, public presentations, judging contests, quiz bowl contests, performing artists, home ec, in action

Foods and nutrition

Aurora Coffey, Langley, quick breads, grand champion; Shelby Lubchuk, Clinton, quick breads, grand champion



Samantha Ollis, Langley, nightwear, grand champion/best of show; Cristina McGrath, Clinton, accessories-sewn, junior grand champion; Shelby Lubchuk, Clinton, sewn garments, senior grand champion



Brittany Schuster, Langley, crocheted item, best of show; Brittany Schuster, Langley, crocheted item, intermediate grand champion; Rowan Dickerson, Clinton, knitted item, junior grand champion; Sarah Nehring, Langley, knitted item, senior grand champion


Applied arts

Shelby Lubchuk, Clinton, drawing, grand/best of show; Kailey Ziss, Langley, painting, grand champion; Chloe Rose Ruhmann-Dickerson, Clinton, general media craft, grand champion; Chloe Rose Ruhmann-Dickerson, Clinton, decorated food arts, grand champion; Shelby Lubchuk, Clinton, other, grand champion, Fab 14; Aurora Coffey, Langley, drawing, reserve; Kailey Ziss, Langley, painting, reserve; Kelly Cash, Greenbank, general media craft, reserve; Rowan Dickerson, Clinton, decorated food arts, reserve; Shelby Lubchuk, Clinton, other, reserve



Jameson Cook, Freeland, close-up, grand/best of show; Sam Mutschler, Langley, close-up, grand reserve; Julian Cook, Freeland, any subject, grand champion; Camden Miller, Oak Harbor, any subject, intermediate grand reserve best of show; Sam Mutschler, animal picture, intermediate reserve champion; Shelby Lubchuk, Clinton, composition, reserve; Shelby Lubchuk, Clinton, animal picture, senior reserve, Fab 14;



Shelby Lubchuk, Clinton, tomatoes-3 green/3 ripe, grand; Aja Cooper, Greenbank, other vegetable, grand; Adrian Cook, Freeland, potted herbs, grand; Jameson Cook, Freeland, lettuce-one head, in water, reserve; Aurora Coffey, Langley, potted herbs, reserve


Educational displays

Serenity Birchfield, Freeland, poster by individual, intermediate grand; Camden Miller, Oak Harbor, poster by individual, intermediate reserve; Shaina Nielson, Langley, poster by individual, senior reserve


Public presentations

Allyson Roberts, Coupeville, demonstration, grand; Thora Iverson, Coupeville, illustrated talk, grand; Camden Miller, Oak Harbor, illustrated talk, grand; Hannah Eckles, Oak Harbor, demonstration, reserve; Katherine Houck, Oak Harbor, demonstration, reserve; Shane Squire, Coupeville, PowerPoint, reserve


Judging contests

Oona Coffey, Langley, poultry, grand; Knight Arndt, Coupeville, cat, grand; Julia Beumer, Coupeville, cat, grand; Chloe Rose, Clinton, cat, grand; Sam Mutschler, Langley, dog, grand; Julie Casey-Peters, Langley, horse, grand; Katelyn Dance, Freeland, horse, grand; Hannah Eckles, Oak Harbor, horse, grand; Camden Miller, Oak Harbor, horse, grand; Caterina Amsler, Oak Harbor, livestock, grand; Aurora Coffey, Langley, poultry, grand; Jameson Cook, Freeland, poultry, grand; Sarah Nehring, Langley, alpaca/llama, grand; Ben Schuster, Langley, alpaca/llama, grand; Christoph Schuster, Langley, alpaca/llama, grand; Annie Mutschler, Langley, dog, grand champion; Wynter Arndt, Coupeville, cat, reserve; Carly Hall, Oak Harbor, dog, reserve; McKenna Kelley, Langley, horse, reserve; Adrian Cook, Freeland, poultry, reserve; Cristina McGrath, Clinton, poultry, reserve


Quiz bowl contests

Knight Arndt, Coupeville, cat, grand; Julia Beumer, Coupeville, cat, grand; Annie Mutschler, Langley, dog, grand; Ainsley Nelson, Clinton, dog, grand; Olivia Varga, Freeland, dog, grand; Adrian Cook, Freeland, poultry, grand; Jameson Cook, Freeland, poultry, grand; Julian Cook, Freeland, poultry, grand; Cristina McGrath, Clinton, alpaca/llama, grand; Sarah Nehring, Langley, alpaca/llama, grand; Brittany Schuster, Langley, alpaca/llama, grand; Kelly Cash, Greenbank, dog, reserve; Carly Hall, Oak Harbor, dog, reserve; Sam Mutschler, Langley, dog, reserve; Cristina McGrath, Clinton, poultry, reserve


Performing arts

Nikki Murnane, Clinton, piano solo, junior grand; Chloe Rose, Clinton, reading/monologue/skit, senior, grand; Chloe Rose, Clinton, vocal solo, senior, grand; Molly Mills, Freeland, piano solo, junior, reserve


Home Ec

Shelby Lubchuk, Clinton, table setting, grand champion


In action

Kelly Cash, Greenbank, on-the-spot construction, grand; Grace Cash, Greenbank, on-the-spot construction; reserve