Prosecutor reviews dog shooting

The case of a dog that was shot last week in Maple Glen is not closed.

Island County Sheriff’s deputies referred the matter to the prosecutor’s office this week. Prosecuting attorney Eric Ohme is reviewing the case.

“I can’t say much about it at this time,” Ohme said. “The case has been referred to us by law enforcement just for review at this time. My job is to see if there is anything our office should act on.”

Ohme said an Oct. 15 recounting of the incident indicated the case is closed, but he said it’s still under review.

On Oct. 10, Maple Glen resident Mark Myres was called to his home from work by his wife, Mynda, after a dog killed three of their chickens earlier in the week returned to the property and grabbed, then dropped — after Myres hit it on the head — one of the couple’s geese.

Mark Myres shot the 30 pound dog — a fox terrier and lab mix named Sammy — three times with a shot gun in the driveway of the Myres home, killing it. The dog was owned by Terry Farnworth, a contractor working for a nearby homeowner.

Maple Glen residents have complained about two packs of dogs roaming the area killing and injuring livestock. A goat and two sheep were recently killed, probably by dogs. There were no witnesses to this incident.

But according to Carol Barnes, Island County’s Animal Control officer, “the livestock were killed not eaten which seems to indicate dogs rather than coyotes.”

Barnes contacted several dog owners this week to “educate them about county leash laws and the necessity to keep their dogs under control.”

Barnes said in a telephone interview this week that “several of the owners are concerned about their dogs’ safety now.”