Student representatives on the South Whidbey School Board will soon have an outline for their service.
The school board has revised its policy for students on governing boards. Recently, the school board considered adding a student in an advisory role. To join, the student has to adhere to the district’s procedure, which will largely be modeled after the Washington State School Directors’ Association outline. Students must be in their junior or senior year at the time of their selection and maintain good academic standing.
“It’s mostly based on their interest and their recommendations,” said Board Chairman Steve Scoles.
Another qualification seeks for the representatives to have a “history of leadership and involvement in extracurricular and civic activities.”
The board will have its first reading of the revised policy at its next meeting Wednesday, Jan. 23. Some changes were discussed by board members at the policy workshop, such as the term duration being a calendar or school year and whether the position should be open to juniors exclusively or juniors and seniors.