Schools seek input on superintendent search

The South Whidbey School District invites the community to take a survey.

The South Whidbey School District is in the process of finding a new superintendent and is seeking public input.

Families and community members are invited to complete a survey and share what they see as the strengths of the district, challenges to be addressed, and leadership qualities and characteristics important for success as a superintendent.

The survey is due at 4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 4.

The firm, Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates, is hosting and managing this survey. The company will analyze the results of this survey along with input gathered during listening sessions with stakeholders to inform the development of a Leadership Profile Report to be presented to the school board on Oct. 23. The report will be posted to the district’s website and will assist the Board with recruiting, screening, interviews, and selection decisions.

Visit the “Superintendent Search” page on the South Whidbey School District website to find the survey.