Sheriff seizes Scatchet Head marijuana grow

"Just about two years after their last visit to the neighborhood, detectives from the Island County Sheriff's Office rolled into Scatchet Head early Tuesday morning to seize a large marijuana growing operation. "

“Almost two years after their last visit to the neighborhood, detectives from the Island County Sheriff’s Office rolled into Scatchet Head early Tuesday morning to seize a large marijuana growing operation.Detectives and deputies nabbed 125 marijuana plants when they raided a home at 7902 Decatur Avenue at about 12 a.m. Tuesday. Sheriff Mike Hawley said the raid came about three-and-a-half hours after deputies responded to a domestic incident at the house. Following a 911 hangup call from the residence, deputies and Sgt. Rick Norrie responded to the home. While questioning the residents, Norrie, a certified drug recognition specialist, noticed the strong smell of marijuana inside the house. Norrie and the other sheriff’s personnel left the home after checking the residents’ identification.Based on Norrie’s observations, detectives obtained a search warrant and returned to the house at about midnight. During a search of the home, they grabbed not only the plants, but fluorescent grow lights, scales, two pistols, marijuana growing instructions in an edition of High Times magazine, and a computer that may have been used to keep track of the business of selling the marijuana.Hawley said only 20 of the plants were mature and ready for harvest at the time of the seizure.Arrested was William Wood, 29, on suspicion of growing marijuana for sale. His girlfriend was released at the scene after questioning, while Wood was booked into Island County Jail. He was released Friday morning on his own recognizance. “