With the rolling hills of upstate New York as a backdrop, Lucy Huffman, a 2003 graduate of South Whidbey High School, married Dan Pucci on Aug. 6.
Huffman was walked down the aisle by her mother, Lauri Davenport, and stepfather, Andy O’Keefe, of Langley. Her father, Vernon Huffman, gave a reading at the ceremony. Also present at the ceremony were her brother, Leaf Dobson, and his children Annexea and Liam.
The matron of honor was Huffman’s stepsister Megan Baris, and best man was the groom’s brother, Jacob Pucci.
At the bride’s request, some dirt from Whidbey Island was brought for her to stand upon during the service. Former classmates and longtime friends from Whidbey Island also made the journey to the wedding, including Ramona Emerson, Katya Garibyan, Jessica Vehorn, Sharon Emerson and Charlie Snelling.
The couple went on an extended honeymoon trip through Southeast Asia and have since returned to their apartment in Brooklyn. The pair first met while working together in wine sales at Eatlay in New York City. Huffman is currently a manager of the wine store UVA in Brooklyn while Dan is a beverage director for Wassail, a restaurant and cider bar in Manhattan.