An Oak Harbor man who was hearing voices allegedly tried to blow up a trailer home where he lives on Feb. 22 by filling the rooms with gas from a stove and lighting a cardboard box on fire, according to court documents.
One of the man’s roommates also told police that the suspect, 57-year-old Donald Cupit, threatened her with a weapon he made from a butcher knife and a vacuum wand, an Oak Harbor police officer wrote in her report.
Cupit was arrested and appeared in Island County Superior Court Feb. 24. Judge Carolyn Cliff found that probable cause existed to believe Cupit may have committed the crimes of reckless burning in the second degree, residential burglary and assault in the fourth degree.
Cliff set Cupit’s bail at $75,000. She also ordered that he must be interviewed by a mental health professional for possible commitment to a treatment facility before being released on bail.
Several Oak Harbor police officers responded to the home on 24th Avenue after one of the residents reported that Cupit turned on the gas on four burners and lit a box on fire, according to an officer’s report. The woman said she was scared but didn’t want to leave the cats behind, so she sneaked out of her room and turned the gas off.
The officers noticed the smell of gas when they arrived.
The roommate told police that Cupit stalks her and has a homemade shotgun and a “butcher knife wand,” the report states. In addition, another resident reported that Cupit broke into his bedroom and scared him, the report states.
Cupit told officers that he had been hearing voices that were talking about killing him. An officer arrested him and found a lighter and a metal cap to the gas line in his jacket. At the jail, officers also found two shotgun shells inside the liner on the jacket, the report states.
The officer wrote that Cupit’s criminal history includes 13 gross misdemeanors and three misdemeanors.