Young aspiring swimmers in Central Whidbey need not travel far this summer for lessons, despite the unexpected closure of Camp Casey’s pool.
Admiral’s Cove Beach Club is opening up its recently renovated private pool for five two-week sessions of morning lessons.
The first classes are 8-8:45 a.m. or 9-9:45 a.m. weekdays from June 24 to July 5.
The classes are taught by lifeguards from both the beach club pool and Camp Casey and are for all levels, said Michael Tenore of the beach club.
The instructors will split the children into groups depending on their swimming level, based on the system for swim lessons developed by the Red Cross. The Coupeville Lions Club is sponsoring the lessons.
Lessons are $50 per session for non-members and $25 per session for members. To register, call 360-678-7543.