To the editor:

To the editor:

Commissioners will never say no

To the editor:

“It’s nothing but a small grassy lot at the foot of Freeland Hill right now,” according to the article by Spencer Webster about Terry Otey’s plan to build yet another storage unit here on the South End. Green spaces are fast disappearing on our beautiful island and developers don’t give a rip about the visual blight they create with their buildings, nor do they care how said structures impact the lives of all who find comfort in green spaces. To them it’s always about money.

Our quality of life is being destroyed by selfish developers and the Island County commissioners who never say “no” to the Terry Otey’s of Whidbey. The Shell station should never have been approved. It’s clearly on a wetland and was opposed by countless South End residents to no avail.

Now we have yet another potential project that should not be allowed to proceed. If it does

I hope it fails, because it is not in the best interests of the residents of Freeland.

I also hope that everyone votes against our commissioners in their next election cycle, as they seem to have little interest in maintaining the pristine beauty of our wonderful island.

Anne Wickstrand
