Town hosts Coastal Adaptation Strategy open house

The Town of Coupeville wants community input for the development of a Coastal Adaptation Strategy.

The Town of Coupeville has begun work on the development of a Coastal Adaptation Strategy and invites community members to learn more about this effort and provide input at an open house event from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 11 at the Coupeville Recreation Hall.

Once completed, the strategy will set goals and identify priority actions to improve the resilience of the community to sea level rise and other coastal hazards. It will build on the findings from the Town’s 2023 Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment, which identified the areas and assets within Coupeville that are most vulnerable to sea level rise-related hazards. Ultimately, the strategy will provide the community with a roadmap to effectively manage the local risks associated with sea level rise.

The town has hired a consultant team led by led by Natural Systems Design + Coastal Geologic Services and supported by Peak Sustainability Group and BHC Consultants to conduct the technical analysis and assist with community engagement. The project began in spring 2024 and is expected to be completed by spring 2025. This effort is funded by the Department of Ecology’s Shorelines Competitive Grant Program.

For more information, visit or contact Community Planning Director Joshua Engelbrecht at (360) 678-4461 ext. 103 or